The performance is intuitive. It responds to the natural movement of the human body. The way you move is the way it moves.

The performance is intuitive. It responds to the natural movement of the human body. The way you move is the way it moves.
The idea for SILQ was clear; Steelcase wanted to create a chair that’s simple, more organism than machine. One that operates intuitively and invites the human body to participate in the experience.
To get there they pushed the boundaries of material science. Through explorations with carbon fiber, they achieved their vision. But it was a material process breakthrough that embodies the qualities of carbon fiber, that allowed them to deliver on their aspiration at mass scale.
SILQ is a canvas for personal expression. The unprecedented range of material combinations allows you to move from one end of the design spectrum to the other.
It brings aesthetic cohesion, brand expression and beauty to any environment.
When you sit down and recline, SILQ responds to the natural movement of your body, making you feel like you’re a part of it.
And to keep things simple, it only has one manual adjustment for seat height. The rest of the outputs of the chair are based on the inputs you provide.
For more details about SILQ, please visit